Omg, i'm almost leaving for Italy! My suitcase is full, my interest in these last schooldays is empty. We're going for thirteen days and we're going to see a lot of Italy. Milan, Rome, Florence and so on and i'm expecting two weeks of unforgettable moments. When my classmates and I went to Paris, I had an amazing time and Italy is almost five times as long! We leave this saturday at five am, so I'll probably sleep on the bus, which hopefully won't lead to pictures with me sleeping with my mouth (slightly!) opened, as in Paris..
I had a little bit of a nervous breakdown earlier today, when I discovered that my new ID didn't arrive yet and thoughts such as 'I won't be allowed to leave the country' and 'then I'm going illegally, I need to go' crossed my mind, but I got a temporary ID. Thank God, if you believe in him/her/it. Whatever your religious believes are, this little angel is going to bed, her cloud is calling. Got to save some energy for the enormous amounts of walks in the next couple of days!
Lots of love,
Tascha ♥