9 februari 2013

A. City Life


Today, I went to a fair called 'A. City Life'. The concept was to show the latest trends in food, fashion and interior design with a pinch of 'joie de vivre' on top. I went with Julie and her lovely mother Anita, who had invitations to the event. Yes that's right, I'm not that fancy that I get my own invitations. Freeloading works to, I guess.

I went to fairs at Antwerp Expo before, but this one was different from the very beginning. The hall was filled with water containers, illuminated in different bright colours. As we entered the first exhibition hall, we got a first look at the various stands. From a stand with wooden dinner tables to a stand with a demonstration of the latest pineapple slicer, it was all there. They weren't theatrically fancy, but yet the fair sent out a fashionable and cosy vibe. With their invitations, Julie and Anita picked up two glasses of bubbles, and I was back on my freeloading game.

Some highlights of 'A. City Life':

The Vascobelo Barista Bar & other stands for tasting fine foods and drinks;

One of the first stands that caught my intention was the Vascobelo Barista Bar. The stand of this wonderful Belgian coffee blend offered espresso, cappuccino, caffe latte, and more. As a caffeine lover, this stand called for me. Actually shouted. Unfortunately, my companions weren't as excited as me and there was not one seat left in the whole bar. But if you are planning to going to this fair and you love coffee, make sure you stop by!

Styling advice by Emma;

If you live in Belgium and you love fashion, you probably know Emma Gelaude. If you don't know her, I knew this blog would do good one day. Emma is a former model, she lives in Ghent and she kept a fashion blog for a few years now.

With her styling company 'EMMA', she had a stand at 'A. City Life'. You could choose a bag with a quote on it and get your picture taken. This picture is part of a competition to win a styling day for two. So if you are in town, go and take your shot! Aside from this competition, everyone at the fair was able to get a styling by Emma, for a discount price.

Little pieces of art;

Put fashion, lifestyle and interior design together at a fair and what do you get? Stands with pieces of art. I'm not a fan of art at all times, but I can appreciate it once in a while. At A. City Life, there were multiple pieces that caught my eye. However, the pieces that I loved most weren't artisctic, but fun. The shoes on these little paintings are funny and can bring that one special detail to brighten up a room.

Now I'm home, looking for something fun to do. And it's possible that I will keep looking until it's an acceptable time to go to sleep. My parents aren't even home, and I'm sitting here. Is it me or is that a little fucked up? I hope you're Saturday evening is looking brighter. I'll do something that makes you jealous next week.

Enjoy your fast life!
Lots of love, Tascha ♥